What is my IP address?

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Your IP address is

Your port is


An address ?

An Internet Protocol address, also called an IP address, is the number that corresponds to the identity of your device on the Internet. It is through this number that data via the network reaches your device.

We are talking here about a public address, i.e. connected to the 'global' network and which makes it possible to identify its location or even its owner. Regardless of the device connected to the network using the Internet Protocol (Computer, phone, network printer, ...), it is assigned via DHCP, or manually by the administrator of the subnet.

The IP address on this site is a version 6 address, it is the most used, it is composed of eight fields separated by colons (:) each containing 16 bits.
Remember that the Internet service provider (ISP) is able to find its owner on demand. You can also find the ip of a website

A port ?

The port number, unlike the IP address, is mainly used to differentiate data sources, that is, applications. The combination IP address plus port number is this called a 'socket': this combination is unique in the world. Both should not be confused: a socket serves as a globally unique identifier, while a port identifies a process locally.
Written at the end of the IP address, there are 3 categories of port number coded on 16 bits:

  • - those going from 0 to 1023, used for the main network services, these are the well-known ports.
  • - those going from 1024 to 49151, still allocated by the IANA, these are the registered ports.
  • - those going from 49 152 to 65 535, used for TCP requests, these are the dynamic ports.

But what does TCP mean ?
Let's talk about the IP / TCP protocol. The first one, the IP, called the addressing protocol, ensures the routing of data, while the second one, the TCP, called the transport protocol, allows you to start and ensure a correct connection between the two computers.

Fixed or Dynamic IP ?

This public address can be assigned temporarily, i.e. dynamic, or permanent, in other words fixed. It all depends on your Internet service provider (ISP). In the event that yours is dynamic, it therefore changes approximately every 24 hours or even on the days when you switch off your modem. If on the contrary it is fixed, you cannot change it. This is why the best solution if you want to be untraceable, remains the use of a VPN or a proxy.

If yours is dynamic, a 'Dyn DNS' type service is a good way to make it fixed. This will in a way allow you to install a server in your home.

DNS (Domain Name Service) are the domain names which serve as a link between visitors and IP addresses like '69 .63.176.13 'servers.
We must admit that one is much more intuitive than the other !

In which case can I use my IP ?

We can use this IP in some cases such as video games, remote connection, geolocation, to remain anonymous, IP phone etc ...